Eternal, our Father YAHVE, King of the Empyrean, I invoke you: deign to forgive me my sins according to your great mercy and listen to my voice! May my prayer be answered and the raising of my hands be the expression of my gratitude towards your innumerable solicitations, your benevolence and the wonders that you once operated for our dear Ancestors as for us who we are far from matching them and attracts your compassion, your mercy and the well-being of Haiti which I am looking for and after which we all sigh!
Meditating the conquest of the independence of Haiti that Satan, the deceitful, impostor and kidnapper fieffé wrongly attributes to himself, I discern the truth, namely that the victory and the prowess of our Heroes, of our Valiant are manifestations of your Love, your Justice and your supreme Greatness, ELOHIM, our Father. You granted absolution to our valiant Ancestors, then, You intervened wonderfully, Eternal, God of armies, descending from the heavens, to cut to pieces the formidable army of Napoleon Bonaparte and, subsequently, to make retreat the survivors by their favor. The passage of the Red Sea differs very little from "GLORY TO VERTIERE".
So, I exclaim:
Glory be to You, Father three times holy, whose Majesty rises above the azure vault!
Glory be to You, Jesus, our Redeemer, the conqueror of death!
Glory to You, Paraclete, purifying fire, inexhaustible source of sacred inspiration, eternal light! ...
You are worthy, YAHVE of the glorification, the adoration, the praises, the homage of all Haitians indiscriminately. I will announce to them that it is YOU who made us triumph over the French so that together, we can celebrate your helpful Name and your exploits every January 1st and bless you seven times a day as long as we exist.
Deign, O God, because of Your Name, deliver Haiti, at the earliest, from plots hatched against it as in the past from its enemies who conjure to bog it down and get it stuck in underdevelopment, by the greatness of your majesty, overthrowing them all!
Hear this prayer from the top of the Empire in the name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Supreme Winner!