Let's walk United! For our ancestors and for our ancestors, for our homeland and for our collective well-being let us rigorously observe this standard or this order derived from our motto: "Unity is strength" which, at the same time, reminds us of the prowess of our Titans united between them and our glorious past and today expresses the need to unite as a matter of urgency in a State which is experiencing a chronic crisis of good policy in a catastrophic economic context!
Woe to us if, forever, we lose sight of this ideal of union inherited from our great Ancestors who, alas! today disappears from our sphere of action causing division, fratricidal struggles, insecurity, chaos…!
Let us hasten to remedy it effectively, uniting our key contributions, fulfilling our duties, communicating in the same ideal of fraternity which can unite us to each other…!
Let us mean by "US" above mentioned the people, the economic elite, the political elite and the cultural elite formed of intellectuals at the forefront of society whose creative genius largely promotes, through his inventions, the improvement of the past, present and future, contributes, to a large percentage, to the well-being of humanity, influences social development, increases the number of elements of national culture and phenomena of civilization… and characterized by scholarly criticism, corrective analysis, cleverly elaborated political doctrines, a flourishing economic regime, an original and very well-made political system, large-scale social movements, works dealing with the solution to the problem of Haiti, inventions…!
Let's fight for indivisibility!
Let us always remember that everything is possible by the force of union!
Let us vehemently protest against traitors like prevaricators until justice prevails against them!
Let us be the sole masters of our production goods and our consumer goods!
Let us aspire to intensification: a system of agricultural abundance which we would not fail to celebrate at the climax!
The State, for this purpose, must first have an adequate land capital and then inform the people.
Let us strengthen our bodies with our fruiting fields.
Let us form free, strong and prosperous sons!
Free, on the one hand, to exercise their rights, to denounce abuses by obstructing enjoyment and, on the other hand, to fulfill their duties and to promote the common good.
Let us make ourselves strong by the worship of GOD, moral instruction, education, scholarly research, the acquisition of higher knowledge, the ceaselessly repeated efforts…!
Let us be strong in agricultural promotion or green campaign, in breeding, in trawling, in economy, in town planning, in high-end politics, in history, in exact sciences, to know "mathematics", "physics", "chemistry", in literature, in art, in sport…!
Let us vote for those most capable of carrying out economic and political reform that our sons and daughters become prosperous!
Let us honor Dessalines, our flag, our country, our famous ancestors, professing the mystique of going beyond, devoting ourselves to promoting our social capital, increasing, thanks to our creative genius, our cultural heritage, the elements of which are the compass, our classical music , our literature, our crafts, our arts…, persevering with phenomenal progress, meeting the conditions to be a great people, taking the firm commitment to accomplish, at our risk and peril, the noble and high mission of forming sons and free, strong and prosperous girls!
Let us pray to GOD with fervor that brotherhood reigns!
Let us advocate the worship of GOD for the enjoyment of our rights, safeguarding, well-being and progress!
Let us invoke the KING of the empyrean, the GOD of the valiant, the SOVEREIGN of the heavens, that He take in our infinite guard our rights, our life ...!
Let us praise the LORD of heaven as of earth, singing solemn songs and holy hymns, making the guitar, the piano, the violin, the drum resound…!
Let us give to ETERNAL glory because of the miracle of the independence of Haiti!
Yes ! In truth ! the independence of Haiti is solely the work of ALL-POWERFUL GOD whose HATAL CREATOR brought out of nothing the great elements: heavens, air, fire, earth, sea and water sources.
Let us exhort one another to the worship of the fatherland!
Let us demand that our dear Haiti be provided with a national shield!
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These are the 10 standards to follow to build a theocratic, new, enlightened and prosperous society in which God reigns, good, virtue, the feeling of duty, order, security, stability…!
Poet FJ Frantz Boursiquot